Mason Enterprise programs are supported by federal, state, and local governments, and champions who share our vision of a robust, inclusive business economy. The team delivers a high ROI for the funding received. For every $1 we receive in funding, we’ve returned more than $100 back into the economy.
Virginia Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
Virginia SBDC Network provides no-cost advising, training and business resources for small businesses across the state with more than 20 local offices. Areas of assistance include access to capital, marketing, operations, start-up, exporting and tech commercialization. The SBDC is a partner program of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
APEX Accelerator
APEX Accelerator provides timely, relevant assistance in doing business with federal, state and local governments. Areas of assistance include certifications, registrations, Bid Match Services and matchmaking events. APEX is a program of the U.S. Department of Defense.
Community Business Partnership
CBP is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) serving the DMV as a microlender for businesses seeking $1,000 - $50,000 to start or grow a business. The CBP is supported by U.S. Department of Treasury and the counties of Fairfax and Prince William.
Women's Business Center of Northern Virginia
WBC of Northern Virginia offers free/low-cost workshops and training and one-on-one technical assistance and counseling to women, minorities and socially disadvantaged clients in Northern Virginia. The WBC is a program of the U.S. Small Business Administration and is supported by Fairfax County.
Innovation Commercialization Assistance Program (ICAP) and NSF I-CORPS
The ICAP program is a no-cost lean start-up short course that focuses on customer discovery for any aspiring tech entrepreneur in Virginia, and is supported by the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC). ICAP also provides no-cost business counseling by experts with varying background that support tech entrepreneurs.
The National Science Foundation sponsored I-Corps program is for university-based faculty and student innovators that involves a longer process and successful teams may go on to join a national co-hort that provides supportive funding. Both programs collaborate to bring counseling, training, and mentorship to all tech entrepreneurs in Virginia.
Entrepreneur In Residence Program
Experienced entrepreneurs and federal government innovators create a vibrant hub where government and corporate partners interact with faculty and students, foster the place where inventors, entrepreneurs, and investors come to create new products, move these to market working together with policy makers, legal experts and global market developers to accelerate positive change, focused on solutions to the largest problems facing society. The EIR program is supported by Arlington Economic Development.
The program, supported by the National Institute of Health, assists university faculty and graduate students with bringing basic science discoveries to market by providing entrepreneurial training, feedback from federal and industry experts, and funding to support early-stage product definition studies.
Tech Start-up Internships
Tech start-ups may receive access to undergraduate students in Northern Virginia for internships.Students receive training and Mason staff work with start-ups to develop a meaningful project so that both the company and students benefit. Tech internships are currently funded by the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative.
Accelerator Programs
Accelerator programs are programs ranging from weeks to months that assist tech entrepreneurs with developing business models, identifying customers, and connections to sources of funding. Examples are CCI+A, funded by the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative, and ICAP, funded by the Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority.