Get Involved

There are many ways to connect into Mason Enterprise: teach a workshop, attend an event, mentor clients, expand our financial support, and more. Mason Enterprise couldn’t operate without our government funders, corporate sponsors, and army of experts who volunteer. 


Mason couldn’t do all of its impactful work without our team of volunteers and partners.  Mentoring companies, speaking at our workshops, and helping us put together events are just some of the ways Mason and entrepreneur ecosystem partners can help.  Our goal is to guide entrepreneurs to successfully launch and grow, and you can help.


Mason Enterprise provides programs and events to more than 30,000 attendees each year. Help us to grow these events, while building brand awareness among the large start-up, investment, and small business community in the DMV and across Virginia.


While the vast majority of Mason’s services to entrepreneurs are offered at no cost, they need to be supported from somewhere! Mason is grateful to its funders, and, while we are very thrifty in our spending, we are always looking for ways to grow impact.  There are many opportunities for naming programs and real estate, endowing key positions, and more.  Tie your legacy to entrepreneurship in Virginia through Mason Enterprise!


Want to get involved?
